Local LIVE conditions

What seems to have grown into our second home, BoaVista bought varied wind, waves & plenty of action during our final coaching trip of the winter. Staying at the Riu Toureg we split most days to find the best wind & waves on the island. Travelling with our local guide- ‘Strava’ & a bunch of 4 x 4 trucks we kited most spots with the highlights being Varandinha for some world class cross shore wave riding. Coaching sessions were run by Ned Taylor & myself on a huge range of skills from ‘getting in the pocket’, kite positioning, strapless riding, back loops, downloops, safety,tacking & gybing. Although challenging conditions at times with sand storm bringing a more gusty wind, the progression & confidence amongst the group over the week was massive. An extra day at the end due to a flight delay enabled a further day of smash & grab and time spent with a close group who has grown into 1 family now. We look forward to sharing the video & more fun times in the Cape Verde islands in the years to come.