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Teaching Jodie Kidd to kitesurf

close-up.jpgA 2 day film shoot for BBC ‘Country Tracks’ in Exmouth, we embark on teaching Jodie to kitesurf in an hour! Fortunately Jodie not only had great kite skills, she also had the right mind set & given another hour with 10 more knots she would have been riding. It was the full on shooting match with the main tabloids showing their huge lenses & Steph & Eric trying hard to get the team to understand we needed to get on with things before the wind dropped! Lunch at DJ’s diner was one of the highlights & camara men being stood in wasit deep water as we tried to eat the most out of Pole sands teaching area. I do niot think we have seen the last of Jodie & we look forward to really getting her ripping!!!

