DUCK POND BAN (Forum discussion) — This sign arrived this week with no consultation from East Devon District Council. As we all know many kids & adults use this area for kiteflying. It is a superb open place where people practice & improve their kite skills. If you can please forward a letter similar to below or in your own words preferably then this will help:
EDDC : Mark Reilly Knowle, Sidmouth EX10 8HL please copy inn to Andrew Hancock
‘It is of great concern to see some newly errected signs on Exmouth Recreation grounds. We use this area regularly, and have done for many years, we had no idea about these signs and their arrival. We meet many other kiteflyers on the ‘Rec’, this is a superb area for practicing our sport. This is the ‘Imperal Recreation ground’which is designated for recreation, it is not like we have a choice in Exmouth. The ‘Rec’ picks up wind in most directions, has few obstructions and is suitable for all levels.
We are not sure if you are aware of the importance to the local community that kiteflying brings. Youngsters from age 5 onwards can buy a small kite & fly. It is relatively in- expensive sport, it is a good physical workout, is environmetally friendly and is a great team sport. Many kids cycle down after school and fly thier kites. They are independent and treat the area well. Faciliating the youngsters in this activity is a positive thing & should be encouraged to keep them motivated & off the streets. As we drive into Exmouth it is a superb site seeing the kites flying.
Many youngsters that now compete to a high level started their kite- flying on the’Rec’. We need to actively encourage this activity & give kiteflyers more space NOT take it away.
We look forward to seeing these signs being removed.