We are just back from our travels through South Africa and Namibia. We flew to Cape Town at the beginning of November, and spent the winter training and teaching on the sunny windy shores of Langebaan Lagoon. It was like another duck pond, with more varied marine life, including seals, whales and sharks. There were plenty of kite schools which resulted in crowded waters at times, with a large risk being hit by an over excited beginner as they body dragged to the moon. Yet by about 1pm the Cape Doctor wind would have reach 30-40knts, and the water was empty apart from a few Edge riders kite looping on three and four metres.
As the season progressed the wind fortunately became lighter, filling in nicely at about 9am, and picking up throughout the day. Mornings would be spent on 10 metres and we would progress down the kite sizes as the day went on. There was some awesome wave riding to be had, large swell rolled in on occasions producing some big waves along the coast from Cape Town, we even saw five meter swell in the lagoon.
We also took a trip with Ned’s parents up the west coast of Africa and through Namibia, we got as far as the skeleton coast, seeing all the sights along the way in our trusty rented motor home. Kiting was some what limited in the desert but we had a good session in a lagoon between some dunes and flamingos at Walvis Bay.
The torches held strong throughout the trip, even through numerous abuse from us learning freestyle, Ned has now polished his KL Slims, and I have learnt some good moves, loving F16s and attempting some handle passes, which have some interesting results!
We are both competing on the British Freestyle tour this summer so watch the space. We are currently on the look out for more sponsors.