Local LIVE conditions

The 3 day kitesurf event in Saint Piere La mer took place over 4th-6th May 2011 and was supported by Dutch, French, British, Spanish  & South African riders. Category’s were split 16-19 yrs, 14- 15yrs & 9-13yrs. In this under 13 category team Bridge not only showed the other competitiors to’Open their eyes’ but also the judges! They have decided to just do a ‘Bridge Ladder’ next year! Disappointment for Oliver who at age 13 wanted to compete in 14-15yr category but was not allowed. So he was to come up against his younger brother- Tom – age 10 in the final in underpowered  conditions which was not to his favour. Tom won with his variety of switch & regular handle pass combinations while also managing to stay well in the box . Defeated by Tom & Oliver the real prize should go to middle Bridge- Guy who got robbed of a 3rd place by French rider who did no un-hooked moves. Great video link below- worth a watch:


 A new discipline for Tom- the ‘Boarder Cross’ – was also superb success with a 3rd overall against way bigger youngsters.  Next stop on the freestyle tour is KTE Germany in June while  Oliver heads to the youth world championships in Brittany next weekend joined by Mum- Steph in the Race Worlds masters