Local LIVE conditions


When you have completed the Edge Awards or have your own gear and getting out yourself then come along after school on a Thursday at 16:00. You have to be able to stay upwind and ready to start progressing to tricks.

The session is for FREE for under 18s. Updates on time, wind, where to meet is posted on the Edge FB site & Insta. 

This is assisted by one of the members of Team Bridge. For those that have got their own equipment, are regularly going kitesurfing & wish to learn a mix of skills including jumping, unhooked riding, twin tip racing, going fast up & downwind and for all young riders locally that want to start doing events.

We may adjust the day of the week when the wind is not suitable. This session is sponsored by Edge Watersports to ensure the rapid & continued growth in the sport for all local youngsters. Please ensure that your youngster is suitably equipped with warm wetsuit, boots & the right spec/size kite. Check the online shop 


There will be a selection process to qualify for this Academy, more details to follow.

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