Local LIVE conditions

Team Bridge camper had been left in europe during the season, being used for many of the kite freestyle & race events. A 6 day window with no bank holidays, no events & lighter winds in the UK we took some cheap Ryan air flights to Bezier.

Checking in Eric’s 9ft6″ fanatic All wave, OllY’s surf board & not alot else we arrived on the small farm where we left the camper to find all our kites, surf kit, wetsuits, clothes and a pretty stocked cupboard! Perfect- we drive west towards the famous spots of Lacanou to catch the 1st of many waves. We work our way up towards Bordeaux Surfing & SUP then skip out mid west France & head straight to Northern Finisterre & the La Torch area where the wind/swell combo looked good.

Joy to kite in cross shore conditions on our back hand with very few people and the promise of glass off sessions for surf in the mornings & night. An evening SUP with race team friend -Bruno Skroka who suggested we get ourselfs towards the Crozon for our final stay.

The camper- fully stocked again with food, water & an empty toilet make’s its way towards the fantasy set ups of La Perrou & Pen-Hat. An ideal way to spend our final day with some superb surf, scenery & empty line ups. Day 6 was a dash to the Ferry to Roscoff to catch the boat before the kids start school at 8.30am next morning & Olly decides which A levels he is doing.

Its certainly not the end of the summer as I write this on the Deck of the Armagh. Looking forward to what Autumn & winter bring on & off the water.